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Check out my post and give your feedback..!
Hi, welcome to my first blog post! I am currently in Karachi, Pakistan. Here I will be interviewing some personalities in many different fields to showcase how this country is not like what the media display, as well as to educate myself even more about my Pakistani roots. Also, because of the foodie I am, I will also be posting about all the delicious food I will be having here. NY #Pakistan #Karachi #traveling #journalist #culture #foodie #media #interviews #video #blog.
I got to interview Palwasha Bashir, Pakistan’s badminton champion! Being a badminton player in a cricket loving country, her passion and dedication makes this reputation of this ‘small’ of a sport, not so small after all.
Interview With Jehan Ara
It was such a great experience visiting The Nest Incubator and interviewing Jehan Ara, one of the most innovative women in Karachi.
Interview With Varah Musavvir
I interviewed Varah Musavvir, is an inspiration to all young female entrepreneurs. Varah is the creative director of Firefly, as well as the CEO and founder of The Crafter’s Guild.
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About Me
Enjoy exploring her work!
A Little Intro
Currently a junior in high school, is a unique specimen who ranges from being a producer for her own documentaries to being a professional foodie. Born and raised in the United States, she is trying to shine light upon issues around the world to her fellow peers in the western world. She has worked on documentaries showcasing the benefits of arranged marriages, as well as a three-video project she worked on with ArtWorks’ Creative Enterprise team, to encourage small business owners to expand and go from micro to macro. She aspires to be a journalist and to follow the career path she has been dreaming of, and this is just the beginning. Enjoy exploring her work!
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